Pin a collection

Site administrators can pin specific collections to the site, district, and public carousels. Pin a collection to highlight the subject, event, or theme of your choice. You can remove a pin, change the order of pinned collections, and reschedule them at any time.


  • There is no limit to the number of collections you can pin.
  • Pinned collections are only visible to users at your site. For example, if you pin a collection to the Public carousel, only users at your site can see it.
  • Pinned collections always appear first, followed by the most recently updated collections.
  • A collection appears in the carousel where it was created. For example, a collection created by a user at your school can only be pinned to the school carousel, not the district or public carousels.

To pin a collection(s):

  1. From the Collections homepage, click Edit above the carousel containing the collection you want to pin.
  2. On the desired collection, select More Options icon. > Pin. A pop-up appears.

    Pin collection pop-up.

  3. In the Starting Date field, enter a date for when you want the collection to appear in the carousel. You can schedule it for the current day or in the future.

    Note: The Ending Date field is optional. Enter an end date if you only want to schedule a collection for a certain amount of time. If you leave this field blank, the collection will remain pinned to the carousel until you unpin it.

  4. Click Pin. The collection appears at the front of the carousel.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 to pin another collection.


    • Pinned collections appear at the front of the carousel on both the Collections and Destiny Discover homepages.
    • The Pin icon. icon appears on a collection card for pinned collections.

To unpin, change the order, or reschedule your pinned collection(s):

  1. From the Collections homepage, click Edit above the carousel containing the collection you want to modify.
  2. On the pinned collection, click More Options icon..
  3. Do any of the following:
    • To remove a pinned collection from the carousel, click Unpin.
    • To change the order of your pinned collection, click Change Position. Type a number representing where you want to move the item to, and then click Move Item.
    • To change the date(s) of the pinned collection, click Update Schedule. Edit the dates, and then click Pin.